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A member registered Jan 22, 2023

Recent community posts

amazing asset! Can u make road tiles as well, i think it will make this tileset even better

if you have more questions we can discuss them in discord

oh it is about the custom physics shape, u can look it up in unity documentation, it is in the sprite editor, it helps you create collision (when used with tilemap collider) based on the shape you set 

to your question, u can set the custom physics shape of the grass tile to nothing, so that those grass tiles won't have any collisions

(2 edits)
yes that result is normal, if u didnt click the slice button, just click the slice button here then u click the apply button the right corner of the sprite editor

are you planning to bring out the new update for this tileset sir?

how is it not working, mine works normally, have u changed the pixel per unit to 16 ? 

Can I have your email, I have something to discuss with you

you forgot the windows tiles 

will there be an update soon

such great assets! i have a question, does the witch have the projectile asset?

can you guys make animations when player gets hit please, thanks a lot for this amazing asset!

(1 edit)

i have a question, what are the brown tiles used for?
are they dirt or what? 

i tried another method, i set the max size to 8192 and it worked

why the necromancer sprites got so blurry in unity, when i open it with aseprite, everything seems fine
i already used to point filter